The Virtual North Pole
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Username: designer_elf
Character Name: Designer Elf
Polar Points: 25000
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(Below is an example list of friends for demonstration purposes only.)
Username:   serena_snowflake
Username:   tuddlebob
Username:   mary_melody
Username:   king_geminrook
Username:   lil_taffy
Username:   mrs_greenthumb
Username:   safar_ray
Username:   taffy_tanner
Username:   granny_flossy
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Pixieland Markets
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The Lone Elf
The Lone Elf

To turn off music, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Alas, Polar City has only one lone elf to do the work of this website. As you can see, she needs the help of some kind souls to make this the website what she has dreamed it could be. She has big dreams, and all for the love of the North Pole, and for children all over the world. She is the only one in Polar City who knows how to do any web designing and graphic arts. But, unfortunately, her skills in those areas are limited. Can she count on you to help her out?

If you can help this faithful elf make this site the best North Pole site there is, we all would appreciate it. If you decide to help, you can contact her at (No spam, please.)

My Vision

As stated, I have big dreams for this site. I want it to be interactive, where children can join this special club and where parents can come and have fun with their kids and be a kid themselves. I want this to be free for all to join. I have plans to add more lands which are part of the family of the North Pole, yet still have their own separate identity. I want the kids to be able to have a truly safe place to visit without being bombarded with popup ads, adult oriented ads, or so many other things that kids don't need to see. I want them to just be the kids that they are, and not have to worry about anything. I want this site to be even more innocent than rated 'G' movies. I know of another site, similar to what I have in mind, but I don't like nor agree with some of the images they display, or their overly restrictive rules. I would like to see this site become interactive so that the children can play games, get North Pole treasures or presents, buy items, and have a little place they can call home, where they can have "garage sales," build a house, email other members, trade items, and etc. I've listed the help I need below. I would greatly appreciate it if you could offer some help.

I can be flexible, and work with you, on certain things, but I can't compromise the "innocence factor." Children should be allowed to be children, and not have sexual or adult content thrown in their faces. Should the site need ads, I do NOT want third party advertisers that do not monitor the content of their ads. This is to be a "TRIPLE G" rated site, and that includes the ads. I also do not want to promote "magic" per se, but "mystery" or "unusual occurances" is okay. No witchcraft, spells, potions, or anything like that, but maybe herbal remedies, alchemy, a few "miracles" or "surprises" now and then.

As for the reference to the Christmas holiday, it is only because the North Pole has always been linked to that particular holiday. But as you will see, there are some buildings with Christmas decorations and some without. That is to demonstrate the tolerance not only for those who celebrate Christmas, but also those who don't. Tolerance should go both ways, not just one group's rights over another.
Thank you.

~The Lone Designer Elf

Legal Help
I know ignorance is no excuse for the law, but I am in need of a smart, kind-hearted attorney who will fill me in on the legal dos and don'ts of copyright law and what I can and can't do in regards to this site. As of this moment, this site is a personal, nonprofit site.

Web Programmers

  • PHP, CGI, Perl, etc.
  • Javascript
  • Java
  • Flash

    Database Programmers
    I want to make this into a virtual world site where kids can buy and sell items, open shops of their own, play games and earn Polar Points, convert points to imaginary coins, travel across the North Pole and much more. I am in the dark when it comes to database programming and need people to either get in on the ground floor and help me make this a success. I want the imaginary characters to be able to eat the food items, wear the clothing items, and interact in this fantasy world as a real person can in the real world.

    Game Programmers
    The Polar Games need to relate to the characters and lands on this site. This is a great way for beginning game programmers to get their start! Right now, I am using games that were openly available on the internet through various Javascript sites, but the points earned cannot be transferred into Polar Points. I've altered the images to fit the theme of this site. Important: I don't want gambling games or anything that promotes such games.

    Graphic Artists
    Although most of the graphics are mine, a few of them are modifications of other images (like Tuddlebob and Serena). Even though I am improving in the area of graphic arts, I still need creative people to draw original characters and lots more different images. This is too much for one lone Elf.

    Flash Animators
    I need you to work with the game programmers to create Flash games and other Flash activities.

    Ad Free Hosting

  • Must support one of the above web programming formats
  • Allow databases
  • Willing to provide enough space for full operation of this website.
  • Willing to negotiate or donate space for an extended trial period, if possible. (This currently is a nonprofit site.)

    Partners, Sponsors or Investors

  • Must allow the designer full creative rights, as well as determining the size/content of ads. Intrusive/popup or adult ads are not appropriate for this site.
  • No advertisements with tracking cookies are permitted. It is my opinion, that planting tracking cookies is cyber-stalking, and therefore I don't want those kinds of ads on this site. Members' privacy is of utmost importance, and tracking their moves on the internet is an invasion of privacy. Any advertiser attempting to "deceive" members into thinking they have a virus or someone can infiltrate their computer will not be permitted to advertise on this site. That is deceptive advertising, and those who we discover doing such may be subject to legal action.
  • This site's concept is not only for children to play games, but to possibly help needy families during the holidays and throughout the year through the Charities in the Polar City Activity Center.
  • I would hope that our members would be willing to help with the donation drives for the needy (in the real world), if it's possible to have one through this site. Note: This may not be possible at first, but hopefully later it can be.

    Music Writers
    If you notice there is music on some pages. It would be wonderful to make this site a musical site which I believe makes it more entertaining for children. However, the music that is on here now cannot be used on business sites without paid permission, for which Designer Elf has no way of doing. The music on here now is for demonstration purposes but must be changed when this site becomes active and available to the public.

    Story Writers
    Got an adventure story about something on this site? Want to publish it here? Send it in and we'll let you know if it makes it to Tuddlebob's Fireplace, or if we incorporate it in with our site. You will receive credit for your stories, however they will become the property of this site.

    I want to give charities and nonprofits from across the land an opportunity to help the needy and poor. Many people don't know where to go for help in their areas, and need that information to get help, or if someone wants to volunteer, they will know where they can go to do so. I plan to have a section in the Activity Center dedicated to helping the needy in the real world.

    Important: Charities that are found to support/fund abortion or fetal stem cell research will not be permitted to place their information on this site. Why? DNA evidence (which doesn't lie) will prove that the fetus is in fact human, and human beings cannot have any other kind of offspring but human beings. It's also a known fact that adult stem cells can accomplish the very same results and so unborn fetuses are NOT needed for this type of research. It's simple logic, and as long as I am in charge, this site will not live by a double standard (i.e. saying we want children to play on our site yet support organizations that kill or experiment on them).
    We value all life.

    Notice: Any programming, stories, music, or graphics voluntarily contributed to this site will become the property of this site.

  • Web site created by Martha Blinky K. Miller © 2004-2011.
    "Mimi" blinky courtesy of Julie Tews © 2002.

    Notice: All images currently on this site or donated to this site are protected by copyright laws,
    thus cannot appear on any other site without permission of the artist or The Virtual North Pole designer.

    Background music is "We Need a Little Christmas" from the musical "Mame" by Jerry Herman, downloaded from a royalty free midi/wav website.