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Ice Sapphires

Ice Sapphire © 2004-2010 Martha K. MillerDuring the retreat of the Badlands' army, King Pekah saw some stones laying on top of the snow in what is now called Snowman's Land. He liked how they looked and had them cut into an unusual shape and placed on the front of his palace. King Pekah did not know what he had discovered and no one could tell him. He had discovered the rarest gem of all -- the Ice Sapphire. Since King Pekah was an ogre, he wasn't too smart, and because he was king, he wouldn't allow anyone to tell him anything different than he wanted to believe. One personal advisor tried to tell King Pekah about the Ice Sapphire, but the King would not believe it. He believed those were not real gems; they were only legends. So that advisor was fired and sent away.

Jedidiah Earls © 2009-2010 Martha K. MillerBut Jedidiah Earls (an Elgre -- half Elf half Ogre), the current Governor of Frostville, knows the gem business and he knows that the Ice Sapphires are not just legends. He has tried to find out where the King got them, but the King couldn't remember. However, fortunately for Jedidah, he found out through some children playing in the caverns under Snowman's Land who found some of these priceless gems. Jedidah being the greedy business man that he is, ordered the caverns closed and guards placed at their entrance. Jedidah even took the "pretty rocks" from the children claiming they may be harmful. Since then he has been plotting to take over Snowman's Land, but there is a problem. In the North Pole treaty it was agreed that all lands east of the Troll Mountains would be under Polar City's jurisdiction. Jedidah has filed many motions and false claims to gain control of Snowman's Land but each time he has been denied. He's lately resorted to intimidation of Freenzia and "Sneezer" Snowball to bully the Snowball family out of Snowman's Land. All this really upset Pop Snowball so he took the matter to Tuddlebob.
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King Pekah

King Pekah © 2009-2010 Martha K. MillerKing Pekah the former ogre king of the Badlands had this castle built to show off his wealth and power. Since Tuddlebob and the citizens of Polar City and the Valley towns won the war against the Badlands, King Pekah had been over taxing the people to maintain control of his subjects. He used the money to add more and more to his palace. He made it so large that even giants can stay there if they want. He never had any giants as guests because they like to keep to themselves. They live in the mountains far to the northwest of Frostville and it's a long journey. There is also a great divide that takes weeks to cross and the giants don't like to travel through it because it's very dangerous even for them. They call it the Diablo Ice Desert because of the Despicable Ice Creature and the Icegoyles that live in the region. But King Pekah still sent invitations to the Giant King using messenger birds.

King Pekah didn't like children and was so evil that he made all his subjects put their children in the care of the government child care facilities. They were not allowed to take their children home, but visit them a few times a week unless they were nursing. When the children were 5 or 6 years old, King Pekah made a profit from selling the healthier ones to the Trolls as slaves. The parents were devastated because they were told that their children had gotten sick and died. Many parents had suspicions of foul play but could not afford to investigate nor search for their lost children.
Pekah City

Pekah City, named after King Pekah, is the capital city of the Badlands (called that because it's a bad place to live, and the rulers are not exactly very nice). The real name of the Badlands is the country of Ogratia. Pekah City was built by Pekah's father, Omrion in honor of his only son. It was centrally located in the Badlands for military advantage (to better protect the royal family) and far enough away from the trolls to ensure some disassociation from their kind. The ogres thought themselves to be a more "sophisticated" society than the trolls, and they didn't want anyone to know they were distant cousins to the trolls. After all they believe they are far more beautiful and much less crude than the trolls.
Obarak City

Obarak City is named after King Pekah's son, the current king, King Obarak. King Obarak wants to make Obarak City the new capital of the Badlands, but the council of lords will not allow it, claiming it would bring confusion and weaken the king's power. Obarak City is farther away from his labor force, and may embolden some to take a chance and escape.

Frostville is run by Jedidiah Earls and is considered a "neutral" city, although it's under the jurisdiction of the Badlands. The peace treaty after the war was signed there, and since then, Jedidiah has turned it into a sports town. It has an "old world" flair, with quaint, traditional shops but hosts the "North Polympics" every 2-4 years.

Troll Prince

The Troll Prince This is Salu the Troll Prince. His father King Snythe has been ill and the Prince is running the Troll Kingdom which includes the Salt Mines and Salt Processing Plant at the northern end of the Troll Mountains. As is expected the Troll Prince is just as evil as his cousins, the Ogres. He pushes and oppresses his workers and subjects hard; making them pay high taxes as well as work long hours in the mines. Trolls never do any of the mining because they have delicate skin, which makes them vulnerable to salt poisoning, and their skin falling off. So, they have to "hire" (as they claim) others to mine the salt. But really, everyone knows the Prince buys slaves from the Ogres. Mostly it's prisoners but sometimes it's not. Please help Designer Elf get this site up and running so we can join together and stop this horrible thing from happening any longer!!
King Obarak

King Obarak  © 2009-2010 Martha K. Miller Prince Obarak was not exempt from his father's hatred for children. The only reason Obarak was allowed to live was that Pekah needed an heir to the throne. To get him out of the palace, King Pekah sent him away to boarding schools. Eventually there was such an outcry over King Pekah's system of raising children that, once Pekah died, Obarak changed that ordinance. The people rejoiced! They finally had a more compassionate king (or so they thought).

He allowed the children to return home to their parents. But he was soon disturbed by the number of disabled children born in his kingdom. His doctors told him it was a result of the servants who had to live so close to the Black Mountains, where toxic garbage was burned, and close to what is now called the Garbage River, where toxic waste was dumped. What King Obarak did next was unthinkable. He ordered all those who were disabled, whether by an accident or by birth, to leave.

The mass exodus of these people was a perfect chance for the trolls to get a free labor force. Before, the trolls had to buy the children from the government run child care centers. The adults who became disabled by accident were put into adult facilities, but the King couldn't sell them because they would catch on to his money making scheme. Once Obarak took over, the practice of selling a slave force to the trolls drastically diminished. Since there were only disabled children and adults left in government facilities, the trolls refused to pay the price required for the children. They expected to get them at such a deep discount that King Obarak would have lost money. Other than being sold, there were only two ways out of the Western Badlands, and both ways went past either end of the Troll Mountains. King Obarak didn't care how the people left, he just didn't want to pay for their care nor was he concerned about the trolls stealing them. But some sympathizers created a way to get past the trolls and their traps.

Website created by Martha Blinky K. Miller © 2004-2011.
Background, text banner, candy striped border, and button images created by Martha K. Miller © 2004-2011, all rights reserved.
"Mimi" blinky courtesy of my friend Julie Tew (a.k.a. siriusjules) ©2002.

Notice: All images currently on this site or donated to this site are protected by copyright laws,
thus cannot appear on any other site without permission of the artist or The Virtual North Pole designer.

Background music is "The Godfather", downloaded from a royalty free midi site.